Jamie Swinton is the Big Cheese at Clearstream Communications: not only the founder, but the Chief Cheese Monger and Head Mouse Wrangler. He started the business with a simple idea, which first presented itself to him a few years back in Germany...

When I was ten and living in Germany, one of the highlights of the Christmas holidays was visiting the traditional Christkindelsmarkt, brimming with smells of gluhwein and gingerbread.
I remember my first visit as if it were yesterday. Having cycled there with my brother, we were attracted by exited squeals from children to a mysterious tent tucked away in the corner of the platz. We pushed our way through the bustling crowd to a six-foot miniature coliseum. A hush fell in the tent as the proprietor – a large bearded man with a hooked nose and an earring – stretched out a muscular arm into the centre of the arena and to gasps from the crowd released from his fist a small white mouse.
Then the shouting began. Around the arena, ten children were stationed above tiny passages cut into the coliseum walls, equipped with a small piece of hard white cheese impaled on a cocktail stick. The skill was to wiggle your cheese, enticing the mouse into the passage, closing the door behind and claiming your prize. After a lot of frantic wiggling and an unsustainable amount of pocket money, our first visit to the Maushaus ended in failure. We cycled home mouseless – but determined.

The next day, we saved our money and spent our time observing the game, pondering how to beat the competition. Then it hit us: cheese. The Maushaus provided cheese which was hard, bland and – most importantly – almost completely odourless. We knew how we’d get a return on our pocket money.
Investing a portion of our capital in a slice of the stinkiest blue-veined cheese we could find in the market, we approached the tent with renewed confidence. We paid up and, while the proprietor was distracted, deftly replaced the standard issue morsel with our own smelly version and hey presto – instant success. The mouse sniffed, sat on its haunches for a second and then launched itself straight through our doorway and a new life with the Swinton brothers.
That afternoon we left the market with six white mice. We sold four to our friends for a modest profit and kept two that we named Mercedes and Benz. They went on to have numerous children and we gained something of a following as reputable mouse dealers within the British military community.

Today, we’re doing the same thing in a world where billions of people are online everyday. The coliseum is much bigger, with much more cheese to tempt your mice.
At Clearstream, we have more than three decades’ experience in creating content that can help your business stand out in a crowd of other cheese wigglers. With quality film distributed intelligently, your business will attract clients, retain custom and inspire stakeholders.
But you need the right cheese. Whether you’re a big cheese or a mere morsel, we can not only help you find the right cheese for your mouse, we’ll even help you wiggle it too.